Thursday, March 4, 2010

Barder and the Flying Turban: Sonny Takes a Risk

Students were asked to respond to this picture in a creative writing excercise. The picture is supposed to make it appear as though the kid and dog are flying. It was given that the dog's name was Barder.

Sonny Takes a Risk

It was a hot day, probably the hottest since he could remember. Then again, Sonny couldn’t remember that far back; he was only 3 after all. He walked through the thick redwood doors of The South Hill Pre-School, where he spent most of his days with the guys.

“Hey! Sonny!” they cheered as he walked in.

He wasn’t the best racer, but he kept up with Buddy, Sam, and the rest of the big dogs. But Sonny had always been the easiest to like. The game was called “Double D” – short for “Doggy Derby” – and all the guys were in to it. It was basically horse racing, but with dogs. Sonny walked smoothly towards the usual corner of the playground that the guys hang around when they aren’t racing. He felt a new sort of swagger today, and he had a very good reason for it.

Sonny put his thumb and first finger into his mouth and blew a piercing whistle through the suffocating air of the late spring afternoon. A few seconds later, Sonny’s brand new racer had appeared from the shed in the playground, where all the dogs were kept. She was magnificent. She was golden-brown with mysterious black flecks. She was built for speed.

“Daaaaaaamn nice ride! What’s her name?” one of the youngster’s asked.

“Well you fellas ought to know that you can’t name a racer like this before her first race. And I’ve got a good feeling about today.”

But, a few hours before the race was scheduled to start, that confidence Sonny felt earlier had disappeared along with the sun and its penetrating heat. Sonny decided he needed something to give him an edge against Sam, who had been on fire, winning 6 of the last 8 races. He knew just the thing.

“Hey guys, where’s Sonny going?”

“Looks like he’s walking over behind the bathrooms.”

“Uh oh, you know what this means?”

“He’s going for the box.”

Behind the bathrooms was a door, with a dark room inside, that held a dog that had belonged to Johnny Walker (a legendary racer), back in the 40’s. He had no name, and he had gone rouge. The dog was protecting a treasure that was said to give you any power you wish, should you be able to steal it. No boy had entered that room and come out alive. Sonny was going for it. “Well, he’s a gonner.”

Sure enough, a long twenty minutes later, Sonny came out, shirt torn, bleeding, exhausted, wearing an orange turban. The guys were awestruck.

“What power did you get?!” they all asked.

Sonny wouldn’t say.

The race began that warm night, and as soon as the whistle blew, everyone figured out Sonny’s new power. He flew his dog toward the finish line with such speed, that all the other racers stopped to watch, despite the hefty second-place prize they were racing for. Nobody had a chance against Sonny and his flying dog.

Sonny became a superstar. He was known in pre-school’s all over the country. All the guys decided that he needed to make his own “baseball card” for Double D. They would sell them to other pre-school’s in the neighborhood, using Sonny’s flying dog to deliver them. This is the picture that he used. He is now a multi-billionaire and lives a few blocks from Bill Gates on his modest mansion on Lake Washington. He still has his now legendary racer, Barder.

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